Castle of Temptation (Version 0.3.0)

Type: Video Game  

Genre: Monster Girl, Reverse Rape, Multiple Orgasms, Fighting

Language: English  / Japanese

File Size: 80 MB

Click here if your game isn’t working  

It’s been over a year since we’ve received a new level for this game, and it’s worth the wait! There are a bunch of new enemies, a brand new boss and over 35 fully animated sex scenes.

Just like the previous levels, you need to avoid getting caught by enemies and solve puzzles in order get to the next stage. However, you’ll notice is that you’re character will transform depending on which portal you go through. One stage you could have a massive cock with slow movement, furry in another.

I’m curious to hear your thoughts on it. Did it live up to your expectations, find any secrets or have a favorite scene? Let me know!

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3 years ago

You’re a saint for posting this! I saw that they updated it on Twitter and was hoping someone would post it. Money is extremely tight but I’ll definitely support Poring again in the future. Looking forward to playing the new level.

Reply to  PrimeEmu
3 years ago


3 years ago

cannot wait for gallery mode

Your Dad Who Went To Go Get Milk
Your Dad Who Went To Go Get Milk
Reply to  vandalism2k
3 years ago

its on the $10 version apparently

Reply to  Your Dad Who Went To Go Get Milk
3 years ago

Is it confirmed?

Reply to  vandalism2k
3 years ago

na its on the new version.. you can get it for free on f95zone

Your Dad Who Went To Go Get Milk
Your Dad Who Went To Go Get Milk
3 years ago


Your Dad Who Went To Go Get Milk
Your Dad Who Went To Go Get Milk
Reply to  Your Dad Who Went To Go Get Milk
3 years ago

i need to calm down

Reply to  Your Dad Who Went To Go Get Milk
3 years ago

Dad…is that you??

Your Dad Who Went To Go Get Milk
Your Dad Who Went To Go Get Milk
Reply to  The
3 years ago


3 years ago
Overall Rating :

I’ve beaten the first three stages but It doesn’t say how to charge the robot girl? Did I miss something in the introduction?

Reply to  burgerking
3 years ago

u have to go in one of those portals again. It`s a different stage

Reply to  Kevsenpai
3 years ago

Please elaborate. I have beaten all three levels off each of the three portals. There are only two keys, for some reason, and no way to charge the robot girl. I have also done the end boss several times trying to get it working. What the hell are you supposed to do????

Wise Sage
Wise Sage
Reply to  yeahthegoys
3 years ago

To charge the powered-off robotic girl, go to the same room where the powered-off robotic girl is. To the left of her, there should be a very small table that you can jump on.

When you jump on it, you should notice that you can now interact with a switch. Turning on this switch activates the portal to the right of you, leading you into a secret room.

Enter the portal and sex the white-clothed women at least once. This would prompt her to sit on the table. Afterwards, flip the table by interacting with it at its right-end. This should reveal the battery needed to charge the robotic girl. You can now leave this secret room.

If you re-enter the room, you will also come to find Paradise Key (IV).

To find paradise key (III), to which I think you’re missing, it would involve following pipes in the beast route at the final stage.

Reply to  Wise Sage
3 years ago

Cheers that probably would’ve taken me a while.

Reply to  Wise Sage
3 years ago

Thanks for the info! Is there a use for Paradise Key IV? And are 1-3 just for lore? I’ve seen something about a special boss, but I’ve gotten all 4 keys and powered up the robot.

Wise Sage
Wise Sage
Reply to  Anon
3 years ago

As far as I’m aware, no uses have been implemented to go along with the Paradise Key IV and the powered-up robot.

Keys I-III are also merely for lore purposes as of now.

And I don’t know anything about a secret boss, aside from the normal Forbidden Laboratory slug boss I’m sure you’ve encountered already.

To ensure that you’ve found all encounters possible in the laboratory,

here’s a list of all characters you could’ve interacted with

  • Robot-Prototype (Blonde robot)
  • Robot-Nurse (Green haired robot)
  • Robot-Mermaid
  • Phantom (Faceless purple figure)
  • Fairy
  • Tentacle Girl
  • Robot-Riot (Red haired robot)
  • Bunny Girl
  • White Rat
  • White Mouse
  • Dark Frog
  • Frog Queen
  • Yi (White-clothed women in secret room)
  • Sorcerer Apprentice
  • Kuminu (Witch in Library)
  • Failure (Stage Boss)

fairy how
fairy how
Reply to  Wise Sage
3 years ago

fairy how

fairy how
fairy how
Reply to  fairy how
3 years ago

lose on the final room, not really fairy tho, just eh..

Reply to  Wise Sage
3 years ago

I tried to go through different pipes, but I never got the third key. Can you tell us in more detail how to get it?

Reply to  Wise Sage
3 years ago

I walked through the pipes until the purple lanterns appeared on each floor.Then wherever I go there is an exit to the boss everywhere and there is no key

Reply to  Cool_Foxy
3 years ago

Basically, the purple goo on the walls is death. Don’t follow any path that ends in purple goo.
Now follow all the pipes. You see how the one pipe goes directly into the ground, rather than the goo? Follow that pipe.

Reply to  yeahthegoys
3 years ago

how do defeat the final boss?

Reply to  Daniel
3 years ago

The way I did it was kickin people away, she has a meter on the side that depletes and cum raises it.

Reply to  burgerking
3 years ago

Have you found a secret library and three keys?

3 years ago

Horror femdom is kino

3 years ago

Is there a way to port the save from the previous version of the game or do I have to speedrun through it all once more ? (EDIT : There is a save file leading directly to the Laboratory. I’m dumb)

Also, is gallery mode gone ?

But I’m really happy about the third level being out ! ^^ Thanks for letting us know !

Last edited 3 years ago by Sera
Wise Sage
Wise Sage
Reply to  Sera
3 years ago

Gallery mode is not available at this time. The original creator intends to release it soon

2 years ago

v0.3.3 is out with a gallery and more content

3 years ago

I think I watched the developers Patreon just yesterday or something
Always up to date Hemdom Bless ya

3 years ago

where is the secret key of the third forbidden laboratory to open the special boss?

Last edited 3 years ago by ARGUS
Wise Sage
Wise Sage
Reply to  ARGUS
3 years ago

***Taking this from a f95 forum post

Starting from the branching paths, if you trace the pipe from the previous room through the tangled mess of pipes and go through the correct exit 3 times, the correct pipe in the 4th branching path room will lead into the floor instead of the next room. Stand on spot where the pipe meets the ground and press down. If you fall into the frog area, you took the wrong exit.

P.S. The pipe in the 4th room will always lead to the bottom path.
P.P.S. If you enter the secret book key room after already getting the key, it’s a softlock.

1 year ago

I got 0.3.4a here…Are we allowed to upload it?

Reply to  Zhuo_Xing
1 year ago

YOU can’t, but if you get into contact with Hemdom or use the Game Update Request form, you can give it to them and have them update it.

Quite Frankly
Quite Frankly
Reply to  Zhuo_Xing
1 year ago

Rang woman wufan

Reply to  Zhuo_Xing
1 year ago

Whats been added in 0.3.4a?

Reply to  Joesilver72
1 year ago

added gallery mode and virginity mode.

Reply to  Kermit
1 year ago

pretty sure those were both in 3.3a. What was added from 0.3.3a to 0.3.4a?

Reply to  Joesilver72
1 year ago

Ah from 3.3, 3.4 only has bug fixes.

3 years ago

my game is constantly being crashed during any of the time involved in playing stage 3,i’m not sure what to do.The gamd worked fine for the first 2 stages

3 years ago

recently he added a 3.01 on his patreon so thats where all the error patches and bug fixes are at and he stated that once this version is perfect as in no errors of any kind he will then release a gallery mode

3 years ago

Something to note: the zipped file in the link is 80 MB, but the game itself is 938 MB once you unzip it.

3 years ago

Screet Key room 3

3 years ago

I’m quite sure that in two unbirth scenes with the giant frog girl and final boss, our dude is just dead…


3 years ago

Got around to playing it and its amazing, I beat route a and route c but cant for the life of me beat the middle one. Anyone got any tips?

Reply to  PrimeEmu
3 years ago

I find the Blue door to be harder !

Actually, it’s not that hard. The first level is mostly going to test your patience and it’s rather easy to luck out the second one (and if too many enemies spawn on screen, just press the red button to get rid of them). Then, for the final level, just keep pressing right and activate the levers when one of the girls are under the magnets, disabling them.

I should note that if you want a secret item after beating the final level, you will need to activate at best only 6 levers.

Hope that was helpful so you can try out all levels !

Last edited 3 years ago by Sera
3 years ago

Gotta. Resist. The. TEMPTATION

3 years ago

Hey all, first, thanks a bunch to all of you hosting this blog, it’s really cool! But although I really enjoy games like this but I’m always worried downloading them will get viruses on my computer. My last one was full of them after I had downloaded a bunch. Can I dl games like this anyway and just and scan or reformat the pc everytime it gets too fucked or should I just stay away?

3 years ago

Each location has one key.To use them, you need to press “X” or “C”in the book corridor in front of the boss.There are three closed cabinets there, and the keys are needed for them. The history of the game world is written there. There is also a witch there. I found the keys in the first and second locations. Has anyone found the key in the third location? I have already searched everything that is possible in the third portal, but I have not found anything. 1)To get the key in the first portal, you just need to pass all three levels in the first world, then open the closed door with a card,there will be a key there.2)In the second portal, you will find the key after the boss, but to take it, you need to reach the portal, but not enter it and then turn back and press the lever, then you will be given the key.Please, someone help with the third key. Has anyone revealed the secret of the closed fourth portal and the discharged robot?

Reply to  Cool_Foxy
3 years ago

After finishing the 3 portals go to the left room, there is a place you can jump on top of right next to the robot and you can interact with it. That opens the portal on the left, after you go through it get the woman on the table by having sex with her then flip the table and there will be a battery. Go out and put the battery in the robot and then go through the portal on the right again.

Reply to  SomeBoi
2 years ago

I did so…but i also can’t find it.

3 years ago
hello I have a problem with the level with the furry, I do not know where is the exit and where to go
Reply to  kornel
1 year ago

it’s always on the right side of the map

Is there a new version of this game? Use our to let us know!