Surrounded By Succubi!?

Type: Video Game  

Genre: Succubus, Teasing, Bondage, Big Breasts, Gangbang, Multiple Orgasms, Mind Break

Language: English (Machine Translation)

File Size: 925 MB

Click here if your game isn’t working  

The developers from Summoner Veil have decided to release their first femdom game, and it’s their best selling! I’m not surprised though, in terms of animation, I’d compare it to the quality of Lilith in Nightmare and Succubus Prison House of Lewd Demons. If you’re a big fan of those games, you’re going to like this one, guaranteed.

Story: Tate’s dream job is to become a butler, and he’s finally got it! As a bonus, the manor where he’ll be working is full of cute girls! But wait, these aren’t regular girls…they’re horny succubi! He’s just started working, and already they’re lusting after every drop of his cum! He’s gotta escape before there’s nothing left of him, and dies! Will Tate be able to escape the succubus manor?

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3 years ago

Machine translations aren’t perfect, so it’s to be expected that you’ll come across a couple of bugs. I was only able to come across one while playing… here is the image below:
comment image


Step 1 – Continuously press the retry button, and skip through the whole scene by holding down CTRL.

Once the scene is finished and you wake up from your bed. That error message will continue for the rest of the game unless you do Step 2.

Step 2 – Press ESC on your keyboard and save your game.

Step 3 – Exit the game

Step 4 – Open up the program again and load your save file.

The error message should disappear after that. If it happens again in later scene, just repeat steps 1-5 again.

Reply to  Hemdom
3 years ago

What I usually do in these kind of errors is copying a similar file (same extension) into the same folder and rename it to the missing one. (In this case copying STM_B_011.ogg for example and renaming the copy to STM_B_012.ogg) At least makes the game playable even if it will play the wrong content.

Reply to  thr00away
3 years ago

Thing is, in this case the files aren’t missing. They are present, it just keeps bugging out until retry is pressed for some bizarre reason.

Reply to  Hemdom
3 years ago

I might have found a fix. If you go to the file name that is supposedly missing, the letter “B” appeared to be in a different font than how your computer would normally type it as such. What I did is deleted the “B” and retyped it in and the error stopped appearing. Hope this helps

Reply to  dkh
3 years ago

How do you change the file’s name?

Reply to  Fargus
3 years ago

Just click over the file’s name and it’ll allow you to edit it

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Hemdom
3 years ago

Thank you for posting this notice. I will be sure to keep this in mind when I start on this gem of a game.

3 years ago

made a full collection mode save through file editing, no idea how you were supposed to get them legit.

open www/save/common.rpgsave and replace it with this:



3 years ago

Anyone willing to post full save with all scenes? Finding it difficult to find some with the machine translation.

Reply to  Dude
3 years ago

Hail Hemdom <3 <3

Posted a walkthrough down.

Link up for a week on Copy that to game/www/save directory. It’ll override save 18 and 3 other files there (common, config and global). No idea if any of them are tied to the gallery but it might work. Save is just before escaping the mansion.

Global just seems to display the day number for each save so it might mess up if you don’t have 30 saves already.

Two scenes missing, might have to replay the game a whole bunch to unlock those as they don’t seem to unlock normally.

3 years ago

This game seem actually well made! I wonder if there might be a Japanese version for it? I would not mind play it in Japanese, if it’s possible. ^.^

3 years ago

keep getting black screens at sex scenes 🙁

3 years ago


Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  oog
3 years ago

Succubi: All your soul are being to us!

3 years ago

Game’s crashing in every single sex scene

3 years ago

Talk about fluent animation 0.o

3 years ago

i got most scenes except the final bj. i cba to play from start again can some1 provide a save file if they have that scene?

3 years ago

I figured out how to have all the scenes unlocked in the menu:

  • I uploaded my common.rpgsave file (in the \www\save\ directory) to saveeditonline (an online tool to edit rpgsave files)
  • Once there, I changed all “gameSwitches” to true, and downloaded the edited common.rpgsave file.
  • I also backed up my non-edited common file, just in case something broke.

Just put the edited common file into the save folder, and everything should work.

Reply to  sippidge
3 years ago

also a user above recommended replacing common.rpgsave with:

both solutions give same result but thank you for sharing!!

3 years ago

Does anyone know how to fix the issue with being unable to read all the text as it goes outside of the box?

sirpug the great
sirpug the great
Reply to  Crayzee
3 years ago

i’m having the same problem

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
3 years ago

I want to play this so bad but I just started on MGE.

That said, this game looks like one I’ll be adding to my to-play list based on it’s artwork and positive feedback. 🙂

3 years ago

Love this game, but cannot figure that stuff out. Has somebody bin able to leave mansion yet?

Reply to  anno
3 years ago

Farthest I’ve got to is inside the mural room, but stuck there as my character doesn’t know what they’re supposed to do, and neither do I.

3 years ago

So, I’m missing 3 scenes supposedly. One from the black hair girl, the school girl, and the scientist. I got all of the reversal scenes as well as all the ones that have parts 1, 2, 3, etc. Has anyone been able to unlock those 3 scenes?

Reply to  dkh
3 years ago

Same. I presume there’s three variants to the escape ending. Each time I always seem to get caught but have no idea what I’m missing. Maybe something needs to be done/known before casting the release spell?

Reply to  Jeff
3 years ago

Can you guys give a walkthrough as it sounds like you got farther? I have the temptation magic tool, and I’ve used it on everyone except Satomi and the twins. That’s as far as I can get, what’s the next step please?

Reply to  anon
3 years ago

How do you get the tool?

Reply to  anonymous
3 years ago

I posted a complete walkthrough down below. If its missing any steps, I don’t know what they are.

Reply to  dkh
3 years ago

Scientist should be temptation magic as I have all of her scenes. I’m missing 2 scenes from Satomi and 1 from Mika, so you have 1 more Satomi scene than I do, how did you get it?

How do you get farther than the magic tool? I haven’t made any progress on the mural, escaping and I don’t know anything about the release spell.

I assume we’re both missing the first scene from Satomi and Mika.

Reply to  anon
3 years ago

You get the key to the mural from Satomi after using the magic tool on her, but there’s a magic circle within that room that requires something else in which I have no idea what or even how to begin searching for what is needed. As for the scientist, I’m apparently missing the 1st scene in the gallery, much like Satomi and the school girl and don’t know how to unlock that since the magic tool supposedly backfires when used against the scientist

Reply to  dkh
3 years ago

Yep same. I’ve no first scene for the scientist. If that is the first scene.

Reply to  Jeff
3 years ago

Thanks for the answers. I did manage to get the key from Satomi so I’m stuck in the same place with the mural. The guy talking about the release spell might be ahead of us.

If anyone else is stuck on the key, I got it mainly by visiting Satomi as often as possible to get the tools prompt to appear.

Quick tip, you can tell if you have the reverse scene because they have heart eyes. For the scientist Levi, she only has a heart left eye as she has some protection against it.

Since you answered, I’ll go load up the first scene for Levi and check for context. If there’s one thing you could try, its go to Levi’s room asap in a new game, as soon as it lets you in, as that’s what I did on my first playthrough.

Reply to  Jeff
3 years ago

Oh Jeff that’s you. Can you tell us how you got to where you’re getting caught escaping? Where did you learn about the release spell etc?

Reply to  anon
3 years ago

Nevermind. I escaped, wonder why I evaded capture, do you max out Levi? I still don’t have the first scene unlocked, maybe it’s just the first scene in the game where Mika and Satomi both drain you and for some reason it never unlocks.

Reply to  Jeff
3 years ago

This is Levi’s 1st scene for me. Is this the one you’re missing?
Her 4th scene is the 50/50 reverse one where she has protection.

“Oh, That…? I was … What were you doing …?”
“Oh, Did you notice? You’re the rumored Tate, right?”
“Eh …”
“I’m Levi. It is a succubus who is a researcher in this building”

I think that you just go straight to Levi after Satomi drains you twice in a row. Instead of “breaking” the vase and being drained by Bell.

Reply to  anon
3 years ago

That 1st scene in the game for Levi actually appears as the 2nd one when you go to her gallery, which I already have. The very 1st one in the gallery itself is still blank

Last edited 3 years ago by dkh
Reply to  dkh
3 years ago

Not for me, the 1st scene is in the upper left. Do you have Levi’s reverse scene? She has 3 normal scenes which are in order for me, and the 4th is the reverse scene.

Reply to  anon
3 years ago

Only scenes 2, 3, and reverse. I even visited her before beginning day 1, but nothing

Reply to  dkh
3 years ago

From your screenshot:

The scene in your upper right is Levi’s 2nd scene, you can tell because her eyes are wide open. In her 1st scene she has her eyes shuttered and looking into the bottom right corner (not looking straight ahead like 3rd scene).

Are you sure when you load (2) it shows Levi’s first scene as described above where she introduces herself and the player character is surprised at being knocked out? Because that’s odd if so. The graphic for (2) you have is definitely the one for Levi’s second scene.

Maybe it’s a bug.

Reply to  dkh
3 years ago

Seems like Nanami also has some protection, which is appropriate to her reaction. Both Nanami and Levi only get one heart eye. Nanami is one of the succubi who leads you to search for the tool in the first place.

Which succubi has the key to the next part after you find the barrier circle in the mural room though?

Reply to  anon
3 years ago

I’ve no idea. I randomly went back in at one point and it allowed me to exit the mansion. Not sure it’s helpful but by not waking up during the night youre able to get up earlier each day and so encounter more of the time of day events. Did someone say they had unlocked the top left scene for the scientist?

Reply to  Jeff
3 years ago

Scratch that. The first scientist scene is the first time you meet her. You need to finish the playthrough (until you escape or die) for that times new scenes to be unlocked. Just experiencing them doesnt do it.

Reply to  Jeff
3 years ago

In that case, the same might be applied to Satomi and the school girl, meaning I’ve already watched all the scenes in the game

Reply to  dkh
3 years ago

I think we’ve seen all the scenes. I don’t know why they don’t unlock. I got Levi’s 1st scene without problems. I tried replaying after escaping and nothing changed.

Daniel Cordero
Daniel Cordero
3 years ago

any have the guide or full save?

Reply to  Daniel Cordero
3 years ago

Non-verified guide by me, since its mostly guesswork:

Playthrough 1:
Max out Levi & Nanami. Maybe Momo too.
When Nanami talks about Levi, probably around day 5, go to Levi and steal the teddy bear / succubus temptation reversal magic tool.
Maybe not necessary, but read the instructions in the bottom right too.
Then exit, go to your room, exit and use the tool on Nanami or Levi. Levi is your best bet.
You’ll die the next day (day 6).

Playthrough 2:
Maybe not necessary, but check out the mural and get bounced off the exit once each.
Max out Bell & Satomi.
Use the tool on Satomi asap, it can be done by around day 3.
Open up the mural and check out the symbol.
Find Bell when she’s sleeping, and listen to her sleeptalk until she says “Open it.”
Go back to the symbol, you’ll unlock the barrier.
Go out the front door. I escaped on day 3.

To unlock all of the scenes just max out each succubus, use the tool on them, and then interact with them once more after that to get their final scene which the tool interrupts. 1st scene for Satomi and Mika isn’t unlocking for some reason.

For every succubus you have all the scenes unlocked, you can make them cycle by going to gallery and clicking the left button. No idea what the middle button for Satomi does, if anyone figures that out or translates it, it’d be good to know. Satomi is the only one to have a middle button in the gallery.

Daniel Cordero
Daniel Cordero
Reply to  anon
3 years ago

thanks for answer

Reply to  anon
3 years ago

I used google translate on my phone’s camera and the middle button translates to “Twin Recollection All”, whereas the left button says “Satomi Recollection All”. Still find it weird I can’t click on the middle button despite unlocking both twin scenes.

Reply to  Daniel Cordero
2 years ago

sir cords 🙂

2 years ago

Anyone have an updated download link. Workupload is too slow and the Mirror Link doesn’t work

Is there a new version of this game? Use our to let us know!