Masochist Male Teasing 101

Type: Video Game  

Genre: Animated,  School Girls, Gangbang, Reverse Rape, Multiple Camera Angles and Customization

Language: Japanese

File Size: 250 MB

Click here if your game isn’t working  

The developers of “Escape from the Masochistic Male Bullying Classroom” are back with another game! It has the same things you guys loved about the first one. Fully animated 3D schoolgirls completely dominating you, using you for pleasure as always. There are a couple of differences that I’d like to point out though.

Right off the bat, you’ll notice that they made a switch from the RPG maker to Unity. The game is more of an animated gallery with a large amount of customization. The only “game” part of this one is resisting the urge to cum. The girls also have health bars, so you might be able to escape but I doubt you’ll even try!

English version has been released!

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3 years ago

feel free to correct me, but here is what i’m at:
the game has 3 levels (classroom, pool, infirmary).
red arrows damage you on impact and damage the girls if you deflect them.
blue arrows do nothing on impact and heal you if you deflect (catch) them.
yellow arrows are also harmless on impact, but if you deflect them you get stunned.
hearts that hit you cause more girls to join in and eventually result in the need to struggle.
also note that you can choose a difficulty which goes back to normal between plays and even levels.

Last edited 3 years ago by Nait
Reply to  Nait
3 years ago

And occasionally you need to jam left/right to get out of an “attack”

Seems like the gist, yes.

Reply to  Harija
3 years ago

yeah, that’s what i meant with “need to struggle”

Reply to  Nait
3 years ago

i feel like correcting myself: there seems to be 12 levels, where the 3 mentioned ones repeat 4 times with increasing difficulty and the girls wearing slightly altered outfits. at level 10 (that’s how far i played) they cosplay as bunnygirls and maids.

Reply to  Nait
3 years ago

After beating 12 you get 3 buttons 1 for each scene and you can custom choose all of the outfits and colours, or randomise. The game is smaller than the previous one and lacks the phone feature to play any scene which is a shame. It’d be nice to be able to pick the specific struggle scenes you want.

3 years ago

game triggered a bsod, 10/10 great game

3 years ago

I love the game concept and animation from this creator. I still hope it at least gets MTL. I love my hemdom blogger too <3

Reply to  anon
3 years ago

you dont really need a translation for this game, its pretty easy to figure out what you have to do and what the options are

Reply to  Jinked1
3 years ago

Rather it isn’t the instructions that need translation.

If you know what I mean

3 years ago
Overall Rating :

As said, the blue arrows are health if you get them, the red arrows do damage to them if you get them, to you if you don’t, the yellow arrows stun you, and the hearts make another girl jump in.

In order to try and win hit everything but the yellow arrows. Mash left and right to get a girl off of you if there are 4 on you.

The options in the option menu are fullscreen, and left or right mouse button.

To start the actual game, when you get to the scene, it’s the big button towards the center of the screen.

You also have your camera options: manual, continuous circling, or an option that lets you pick from 5 preset modes with mouse or keys 1-5.

The menu can be brought back up by hitting space.

The ones to the left of the screen in the during the game option menu are graphical, one changes display modes, one eliminates inactive girls, one eliminates details, etc. You probably don’t need these unless your computer’s a real turd. One does moves the circle to the bottom right of the screen.
The bottom two on the left are restart stage and restart game.

After winning a round, the options are next stage, and return to title

After winning all rounds, continue brings up 1-12 for stages 1-12. It also brings up three other options these are customizable stages: classroom, pool and medical room.

The customizable stages then bring up customization options.
Colors are picked, or random. To the right you choose from applying options to all of them, or one girl at a time. Then there are the 10 costume types. Green button is random clothes, blue button adds shine, supposedly lotion. Below that adds or removes shoes or socks.

I think that about covers it.

Reply to  meman
3 years ago

Also manual camera control is: mouse button you choose in options menu, (left or right) to drag the camera around, scroll wheel to zoom in and out, and scroll wheel button to move the camera.

3 years ago

Is cunnilingus an option?

Forsaken F
Forsaken F
3 years ago

Since the last game was great, this one is a great step up although I wish this was more accessible

3 years ago

Oddly enough I’ll probably miss the game portion? Still probably a 10/10

Reply to  Harija
3 years ago

Actually am I supposed to not be able to move my heart left/right up/down and only be able to move diagonals? I’m having a hard time getting through the tutorial

Reply to  Harija
3 years ago

Looks like my 360 controller was interfering for some reason. Which is weird because it isn’t as if the game takes input from it.

3 years ago

nice game, but a bit difficult even on “easy” it seems.
Although the first level was the one I needed most try’s

3 years ago

what happening i can play but the characters’ faces all disappear

3 years ago

Is there any chance the English version can be uploaded? It should’ve come out May 3rd.

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Mikkalla
3 years ago

There’s a copy on F95Zone.

3 years ago

Is there a password to unlock a gallery or something like that?

Reply to  meni
3 years ago

you will unlock a new mode which you can choose the girls costumes, whether you want to apply lotion or not, and to remove shoes. But they dont let you choose the girls you want on a scene, or the scene itself.

Forsaken F
Forsaken F
3 years ago

I’m having issues with “Unity player dll” how can I fixed it?

3 years ago

When I try to unzip it, it has a “game data error” with some assets, so in stages 2 and 3 the girls are in all black because the textures have corrupted somewhere.

Any way to fix this? I’ve tried extracting it again and redownloading it, thanks!

Reply to  Oscar
3 years ago

Japanese language packs installed and active?

3 years ago

Apparently gets stuck at the start (Press EnterKey) I cant even input name as translate says to.

Is there a new version of this game? Use our to let us know!