Learning The Hard Way

Learning The Hard Way

Type: Manga

Genre: Full Color, Blackmail, Students, Cunnilingus, Public Sex, Big Boobs

Language: English

Chapters: 11 (So far)

The protagonist of this manhwa is a very smart guy who studies at university. To pay for bills and tuition, he decides to tutor on the side. Everything seems to be going well until one of his clients ends up being his bully in highschool! She doesn’t want to study, but her mom is forcing it onto her. So to make it more enjoyable, she decides to dominate you to pass time. You can’t say no or run away, as she has many embarrassing photos of you in high school. She is not afraid to leak it, so you must do as she says!

Eventually, you end up liking this new position you’re in. However, one of your classmates in school seems to be interested in you as well… which eventually leads to both of them fighting over you! The manhwa is still being worked on, so I’m excited to see what comes out next!

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3 years ago


Last edited 3 years ago by L.L
Reply to  L.L
3 years ago

She’s a brat, but a hot brat.

Reply to  Harija
2 years ago

Manhwa’s still pretty great

3 years ago

full-colour manga what’s not to love. 5 stars

anyways considering it’s been 11 days since the last blog update; I imagine some of you are feeling a little pent up right about now. Do not worry my fellow degenerates, secretseed knows what you need. So I’ve delved into my secret-stash and have decided to bestow upon you some femdom goodness

Follow this link here for Succubus Conevant chapter 3 demo, which adds 5 new succubi who’ll suck you dry.


use file 1 to get to the action. file 15 has the gallery but not the new succubi.
you can choose an earlier file and follow the story if you care for such things

This is the first time I’ve ever shared file via mega so hopefully the links stays up.

Hemdom and Co feel free to make a new post with the link, sorry if I broke some site rules ect. really I just wanted to give back to such an amazing site. enjoy

cow succubus.png
3 years ago

It is great and in the end is so nice :3

3 years ago

Ready good manga!

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
3 years ago

How hardcore is the blackmail in this one? I don;t usually give blackmail content a chance but this might be worth giving a try.

Reply to  Succubus Hunter
3 years ago

not that bad tbh

Reply to  Succubus Hunter
3 years ago

it’s just the “do lewd stuff with me or i damage your reputation” kind of blackmail

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Nait
3 years ago

Can you spoil that for me? That can mean a lot of things…

Reply to  Succubus Hunter
3 years ago

She has stuff back from high school when he was their gofer and pathetic.

And, now I guess, also banging the girl he’s tutoring.

Just the sort of “Social Blackmail” sort of thing.

Reply to  Succubus Hunter
3 years ago

It is very very light, more like just to give her an excuse

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Succubus Hunter
3 years ago

Thank you everyone who responded to my post. This game sounds like something worth giving a read.

Also, Idk who someone voted down my comment, guess they must be a troll.

3 years ago

Made a comment about the linked website not being current with where the comic is at (Stuck at 15 as opposed to 24 where suggested link is), still awaiting moderation or link update.

Last edited 3 years ago by Harija
3 years ago
Overall Rating :

Feet shit and that cringy twist where ‘dude gets insecure and suddenly dominates girl’ made for insecure losers. No idea why someone would post it here.

Other than that, cute art style. Not bad hentai, just awful femdom.

Reply to  Googas
3 years ago

You’re right that the sex does usually turn to normal maledom ahegao crap which I scrolled past barely looking at, but the dynamic between the two characters is good, and the start of some of the sex scenes is good. I’m kind of surprised the author writes all of that, alludes to humiliating footjobs, etc, then makes every sex scene vanilla missionary/doggy, rarely even cowgirl. I can only hope they’re going for the masterstroke long play of slowly transitioning to more femdom as she gains the upper hand but I doubt it… As of chapter 15 it seems the plot is gonna be 100% love triangle shenanigans from here on out