Captured By Dark Elves Episode 3 [FINAL]

Type: Video Game  

Genre: Monster Girls, Bondage, Hardcore, Futanari

Language: English  

File Size: 943 MB 

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Ever since the I completed the first two episodes, I couldn’t wait until the third. Luckily we don’t have to wait any longer my friends! Episode 3 is finally here!

You have been captured by a small group of dark elven hunters, who are bringing you to an old mine. This mine is in ancient mountains where you and other captured humans and elves are forced to dig for ore, gems and artifacts. The dark elves of the noble house Bavaeleth are known for their cruelty and their devotion to the old gods. Recently the house executed all male members in order to gain the favor of Goddess Demorra, the Queen of Pain.

Soon you discover that most of the dark elves don’t know exactly what they’re looking for in the skull mine. Some of them are even upset with Matron Mother Valyrr Bavaeleth who gave the order to leave their home city for this dwarven mine.

While you’re trying to survive this dangerous place full of weird creatures, you also have to please your captors whenever they demand your services. You will earn skulls (the dark elven currency) everyday to buy food and water. Maybe you are losing your mind in this place, maybe the situation is just too much for you, but the longer you are in this place, the more you begin to hear a voice in your head, haunting you when you sleep, calling your name…

If you haven’t played the previous episodes, don’t worry! The entire game is included in the download.

Game is available on android too!

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Reply to  Hemdom
5 years ago

You are doing an amazing job man keep doing it, cheers!

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Slayer
3 years ago

Seconded this! Hemdom is a pillar of our community.

4 years ago

The links are to part 2, not part 3?

5 years ago

“Hemdom Blog: #1 Source of Femdom Hentai.”
This isn’t hentai :/ This is just simply porn.

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  pm_me_femdom_hentai
3 years ago

You sound like you don’t know what hentai is…

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