Kikiu Image Collection

Type: Image Pack

Focused Genres: Strap-on, Chastity, Spanking, Cross Dressing, CBT

Image Amount: 133 ( 19 gif + 7 mp4)

File Size: 410 MB

Kikui is a femdom artist that is known for their pegging and chastity scenes. You’re in for a good time if this is your first time hearing about him. You may of seen his artwork in femdom communities, but it’s rare to see them animated. Most of it is hidden away in his pixivFANBOX (support if you can)… but the collection can be downloaded here too. Enjoy 😉

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Reply to  blue
2 years ago

Even if there are people complaining please keep uploading everything you want and you can.
Sometimes it will only please a minority and have bad ratings and criticisms, but that’s nice this minority can have something they enjoy instead of nothing, and it’s always better to have more posts.
To be fair if one would listen every complaint here this wouldn’t even be a femdom blog anymore..
Thanks for your work

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  filler-name
2 years ago

This is so true. Hemdom is a great place and has provided us so many wonderful gems for free over the years. For the most part, this site has offered great conversation threads full of likeminded users ready to help one another. I am surprised by this thread as this is the first time I have seen this kind of negativity on Hemdom.

Reply to  blue
2 years ago

Unfortunately, I left the discord server by mistake, and now I can’t join the server again.

2 years ago

ungrateful, you guys should be more appreciative of the fact that we even have a website like this to begin with

Reply to  lol
2 years ago

Yeah I have to agree with this. I get sometimes there are weeks without a new game, but realistically a new femdom hentai game isn’t going to come out every couple of days, let alone be translated.

I’m appreciative of the fact that we have a centralized place to look for and download this content without sifting through multiple different websites, even if some of it isn’t my cup of tea at all.

Lol in ur retarded brain
Lol in ur retarded brain
Reply to  lol
2 years ago


2 years ago

guys, everyone likes some crazy shit, if that’s not to your liking, just wait for the next one and chill

Reply to  fantasy
2 years ago

I mean, most of it is out of my comfort zone but DAMN, some of it is still kinda hot. It’s cool that hem is introducing us to all kind of stuff. I might even discover new kinks.

(But I kinda get the feeling, BLUE really likes to get destroyed by women lmao, kinda hot though)

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Jonny
2 years ago

Glad to see another one joining the fold. This community provides a buffet of kinks to enjoy and some awesome friends to chat about them with.

As a life-long reverse-ryona fan, getting destroyed by women is a top tier fetish <3

2 years ago
Overall Rating :

Lmfao y’all be like “i like femdom” but then get upset over STRAPONS??? holy shit some of yall weak as fuck.

Thanks for the folder!! Big ups

Reply to  Society
2 years ago

Liking being dominated is different from being a fag who likes receiving in the ass

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  blue
2 years ago

Your discord sounds awesome. This is the kind of open mindedness and friendly attitude I love about the femdom game community.

Reply to  anon
2 years ago

I completely agree with you. You all have your opinion, stop just disliking anyone. If you have something to say, go ahead

Reply to  Mezeroh
2 years ago

As I see, many misunderstood me. I absolutely agree with that Liking being dominated is different”. I didn’t call anyone names in any way. If you are satisfied, use anything, within the law of course.

Reply to  anon
2 years ago

I agree with your analysis of the situation- but that doesn’t mean you should insult them as a “fag” (faggot, extensively used as insult for being gay)
We just gotta wait for the next post, and hope that it suits our personal preferences, without insulting the preferences of other people.
I also dislike pegging, it’s hella gay(which doesn’t mean it’s bad, cause being gay is okay: just not for me), but this blog has also given me many great games with loli, monstergirl and reverse rape content. Sometimes delayed, sure, but I like this blog and would like it to be a less toxic place, where people can just state their opinion and tastes, in a neutral manner, without fearing the people who dislike the content and start judgeing them based on that.
We dislike pegging and that is okay, but it doesn’t mean that their tastes are any less worth than our tastes. And sure, they are sometimes acting like idiots, just ganging up on us cause we believe pegging is gay, but I think the same way we should accept their taste, they should let us believe what we want, without getting all hostile or trying to change our believe.
What I am trying to get at is, your comment was okay but it was stated in a very hostile manner. You can try doing it like I did, in a very neutral manner, just showing that I dislike this post. But I am not shitting on it by calling people who enjoy this post as “fags” okay? And yes, they just downvote me because they think I mean them harm, but it is something you just gotta deal with.

All in order to achieve neutrality and peace, even when diffrent opinions collide.
Not speaking as a pacifist, but as a materialist.

Hey Sport. It's Dad! Get off the computer and go to bed.
Hey Sport. It's Dad! Get off the computer and go to bed.
Reply to  anon
2 years ago

Hey Sport, we do not use that language in this household.

2 years ago
Overall Rating :

I don’t like femdom either guys but come on, this man offered us sooo much why you can’t appreciate it and start flaming him, shame on you guys for real

Last edited 2 years ago by YesSir
2 years ago

Thank you!

2 years ago

Man, yall ungrateful wankers.

2 years ago

Oh boy! This is AMAZING! Thanks man!

2 years ago
Overall Rating :

thank you for sharing.:)

2 years ago

Y’all claim the others are ungrateful but in reality you’re just as bad for attempting to suppress the genuine feedback they are giving,

Not every single damned thing in life is positive there’s always an negative side to every thing attempting to pretend it’s not there etc by down voting in masses ain’t going to make you accomplish jack.

And the only thing you’re showing is show toxic you are as human beings.

Internet or no that’s no that’s not an excuse for attempting to silence the freedom of speech.

Reply to  Domeguy
2 years ago

This is stupid logic.

If they have the right to spout bs then I can as well correct them based on my freedom of speech. Downvoting someone is not taking their right away or being toxic, its an expression.

You are using the same stupid logic with which youtube disabled the dislike-counter. Let that sink in.

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Domeguy
2 years ago

You are forgetting that there is a difference between constructive criticism and just trolling.
Commenting on ways to improve the animations or suggesting more scenes of one’s favorite characters is different than just commenting ingratitude at best and toxic… attitudes at worst.

that one guy
that one guy
2 years ago

No new post for almost 20 days, and when it posts, its a strap-on shit…

2 years ago

Meh. Gotta hope for the next post to be better I guess.

2 years ago

This is a shame.

2 years ago

C’mon hem:(

Disappointed man
Disappointed man
2 years ago

Waiting weeks to get a new post and this is what we get :’)