Mines Canary

Type: Video Game  

Genre: POV, Reverse Gangbang, Bondage, Teasing, Footjobs, Facesitting, Smothering

Language: English (MTL)  / Japanese

File Size: 330 MB

Click here if your game isn’t working  

Our protagonist is interested in a card game called Mines Canary. It’s mainly dominated by women, very few men play it. However, it doesn’t faze him. He plays it anyway and plans on becoming the very best. The girls don’t like this one bit. So they decide to break his morale. The game is played with 4 players, but the other 3 are working against him! With his back against the wall, will he still be able to win?

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2 years ago

who is the demon loli on the banner of this site ?

Culture Enjoyer
Culture Enjoyer
2 years ago
Overall Rating :

Came for the girls, stayed for the Mahjong

2 years ago

Man, I’ve gotta say… This is the worst excessm game by a lot.
The gameplay is just mahjong, which is ok I guess, but the h-animations are very recycled and lazy

Reply to  Juzubow
2 years ago

Yeah, at first I thought it was just a little game excessm made on the sidelines, but it’s almost been a year since the last game, I really hope this isn’t all from excessm in this year.

2 years ago

Finally, the best Girl Dominates Weak Guy game producer has striken again.
Thank you.

Amelia Smug.png
2 years ago

All you had to say was “Excessm”. I’m 100% on board.

2 years ago

Yakuza couldn’t make me learn Mahjong, but I might just have to do it for this one.

Once it’s properly translated, anyway.

Learning Mahjong Too
Learning Mahjong Too
Reply to  Anon
2 years ago

Time to grind Yakuza mahjong to learn it for this

A visitor
A visitor
2 years ago

All those hours spent on Mahjong back on Windows 98 were not wasted! Also, is it normal for most opponents to appear… well, almost completely white? I have a few which appear normal, but most are… well, look at the image.

Reply to  A visitor
2 years ago

Haha this happened to me too. Also happens with HAGOKORO. You need to run the game using a japanese system locale.

Either change your pc’s system locale to japanese or download an emulator to run it with japanese system locale.

You might maybe need to redownload the game though.

A visitor
A visitor
Reply to  Jonny
2 years ago

I already have Japanese system locale enabled (other games which require that run fine on my end); only this game from excessM is giving me this graphical glitch, earlier games from the same developer are displayed correctly on the same PC.

I suppose my only option now is trying an emulator.

Last edited 2 years ago by A visitor
Reply to  A visitor
2 years ago

Huh now that you mention it you are right. I did change my system locale to japanese too and still have this visual bug. But running it with the Locale Emulator it magically works.

Here’s the link
pooi.moe /Locale-Emulator/

Reply to  A visitor
2 years ago

I had this problem too, I just run the game with the Japanese Locale Emulator and it suddenly worked fine.

2 years ago
Overall Rating :

yeah this game is def the worst excessM game, i think it’s because they tried to implement a make your own girl feature so all the animations are copy paste to every character and there’s no generic sex animation.

Last edited 2 years ago by cool
2 years ago
Overall Rating :

So, you play Mahjong and those sinister beauties use eroticism to defeat you. It took some time and patience to learn Mahjong, since you are dealing with a material translation, but it’s fun once you get the hang of it.

Booba Enjoyer
Booba Enjoyer
2 years ago

The game is pretty self explanatory even with the MTL translation. Try and get 3 pair colors of cards to score. Getting sequenced pair like 1 2 3 of color green, or same number like 1 1 1 of color green gives you bigger scores

Its really not that hard to figure out, or if you just wanna skip to the boobas you can just click the lil icon on the bottom left to do auto-battle and the game literally plays itself.

H-content wise, definitely lacking in the fucking department. Only some of the enemies have the fucking options while the others are restricted to foreplays, BJ, Boobajob, footjob, intercrual.

Heard they’ll be adding the general fuck sprite so that every enemy can fuck our protagonist and not just restricted to just using their designed sex act. Also they might add futa content too. Not sure when though

And they added the customizable options like the one in Hagakoro. Make custom scenes, custom girls, and in this one there’s even custom battle you can make. Buuut since the translation is kinda lanky understandably at the moment I’m unable to use this feature yet :p

Overal, game is gud. But if you like to enjoy it story wise, better wait for the proper translation.

2 years ago
Overall Rating :

This time not really a fan. It just lacks the action, the oomph their other games had like Parade Buster. Loved the addition of diy in Hagokoro, but seeing that bland menu UI being reused again for rather dull match 3 cards gameplay stings a little.

ehh I will wait for the full translation and retry but so far it is just not for me this time.

2 years ago

Man I love chess but don’t know shit about Majong. On one hand, gotta hand it to Excessm for doing something different, sadly that something involves a thing where I actually have to have skills in XD

2 years ago
Overall Rating :

How are you even supposed to win some encounters in dark gambling mode? Some scenarios are just “you lose, lmao” and no item or upgrade will save you.

Reply to  RealMcMe
2 years ago

There is always tactic or helping item with help u win 🙂

2 years ago

I don’t know how to play this card game. can somebody help me and explain the rule and how to win. thank you very much. this is a friendly request.

Reply to  Vivi
2 years ago

The game does tell you how to play some when you start a new game. 3 cards of the same color give you a set, and 3 sets and you win the round. The card you select each round is discarded to the middle (so either the card you draw or one already in your hand). Flow means you get to take a card someone else played, you must discard a different card. Once you have 2 3-card sets in your hand and 2 of the same color towards a 3rd set, if an opponent discards a card of the color you need for the 3rd set you can take it to win the round. You get more points if a set has 3 of the same number or a run like 1-2-3, 7-8-9 etc. That’s basically it, also can just use the auto play button.

2 years ago
Overall Rating :

just finished it
not bad but i think it’s my least favorite from excessm so far

2 years ago

Excessm? Hell yeah sign me up bitch

2 years ago
Overall Rating :

Not their best work but not bad

2 years ago

Is there a good location to get custom battles and characters made by the community? https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/1866/article/664468

2 years ago

Anyone notice some cgs are not on the events gallery? I checked every scene but i can’t find the double armpit scene.

2 years ago

Hello everyone ! Once I do game start the opponents appear but impossible to interact with anything. I tried all the keys on my keyboard and clicked everywhere but no reaction from the game. What should I do? ^^

Reply to  GD398
2 years ago

Either change your pc’s system locale to japanese or download an emulator to run it with japanese system locale

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