Type: Movie
Genre: Animated, School Girls, Gangbang, Multiple Camera Angles and Customization
Language: English
File Size: 1.1 GB
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Are you the type of person that doesn’t really care about the gameplay and just wants to see some hentai scenes? Maybe you enjoy hentai games… but can’t play because of crappy specs, operating system, or being stuck with an iPhone.
Well, the developer of Masochistic Male Bullying Classroom 3D decided to make video versions of all the hentai scenes in the game. Includes all 12 situations implemented in the game. There are 24 videos with 12 situations x 2 costume differences with different costumes. Many camera angles!
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Ah, that was a good game.
Who doesn’t enjoy being assaulted from all directions in erotic ways?
I certainly do. HEH.
Ahh noo, you missed the best one.
Lying facedown on butts rub in pool scene, that was so awesome T_T
this scene was so fucked up, I mean the level of creativity of this hentai scene was like legendary 😀
Same with the boobs hell scene.
Is there a way to watch this somewhere without having to download these files?
No, even a stream is a download of data.
You can watch the two 60 second .gifs in fullscreen though.
The game is here: https://www.hemdomblog.com/2021/05/masochistic-male-bullying-classroom-3d.html at 650mb.
Others here: https://www.hemdomblog.com/?s=Masochistic+Male+Bullying
1.1GB? I’m not for lossy compression, but unless this goes on for days it shouldn’t need to be that big.